Adventures with Androids, Intelligence Unbound Exhibition, Foreign Objekt Posthuman Lab, Berkley, CA 2023
European Crew, The Next Renaissance, Odile Jacob Publications, Paris, FR 2022
Evolved Photography: The Image-Sphere, The Terminal and Comprehending Close System Ecologies, Pita Arreola-Burns, Elliott Burns and Jason Isolini, Off- Site Projects, September, 2021, Digital Research in Humanities and the Arts conference, Humboldt University, Berlinm GR
Of Poets, Human and Robot; Colosi, Nina, Centerpoint Now, World Council for the Peoples of the United Nations, 75th Anniversary Publication, 2020, Page 132-133
BIODIGITALLY, Jabar, Zaiba; Important Magazine, Issue 2, April 2019
Human Incorporated: A Conversation with Claire Jervert , Duty Free, Wallerstein, Wade, Chelsea College of Art, Curated by Robert Bicknell-Knight, London, UK, June 2018
Claire Jervert’s humanoid portraits of robots in US, Russia, Japan, China and Denmark look at human evolution and immortality, Streaming Museum 2020
Malloy, Judy, Social Media Archeology and Poetics, The Thing - The Crossing-over Art History and Media, p.321 MIT Press, 2016